Contact Mears Money Management

Our goal is to help clients navigate the financial noise and arrive at a set of money decisions that are prudent, lasting, and with a plan that is custom designed for them. We know the financial business and with a combined 40+ years of industry experience we have seen financial products and trends come and go. We have personally experienced both financial success and failure. We’ve reviewed, tested, broken and modified almost every financial tool you can imagine. We’ve experienced the markets going up, down and sideways. We’ve argued for and against a wide spectrum of financial disciplines and strategies. Through all the years Growth, Income and Protection remain at the core of every financial plan.

It is important to feel you have control over your future. At Mears Money Management, we offer our experience and knowledge to help you design your own strategy for financial independence.

Contact us today to schedule a no obligation conversation! Call us at (661) 775-3704 or connect with us online by completing the form below. We will NOT share your information with anyone.

Mears Money Management