As folks all around us continue to lose their minds, most of MY clients have remained brave and steadfast.

Even as the market had a record drop back in March, you hung in there.  I remember telling my clients that the best and brightest minds in the world were working on medical advances to fight the coronavirus.  Have faith.

I also knew that the great entrepreneurial minds of America would adjust.

Which brings me to the “social distancing dummies.”

The Inn at Little Washington, located in our nation’s capital, will be placing mannequins at empty tables throughout their restaurant.

In compliance with social distancing guidelines, the Inn will operate at half capacity when it reopens. Because of this, chef and proprietor Patrick O’Connell has decided to “theatrically” dress tables in the dining room with dummies rather than leave them empty. And to make sure that it looks as convincing as possible, the restaurant is working with the locally based Signature Theater and Design Foundry to create the “sets.”

In the words of O’Connell, “When we needed to solve the problem of social distancing and reducing our restaurant’s occupancy by half, the solution seemed obvious—fill it with interestingly dressed dummies. This would allow plenty of space between real guests and elicit a few smiles and provide some fun photo ops.”

In other words, Mr. O’Connell is still trying to find opportunities to please his customers, and create business.

Use this as a lesson that even when businesses are facing hurdles, the creative spirit of business owners – large and small – will figure out solutions!

Take care and share this with anyone is feeling frustrated with their portfolio.  I’ll be happy to talk with them.